People who support the idea of NFT often say that they are investment and easy way to get rich quickly. But it's basically a lottery – you never know if NFT you bought will actually ever resell. NFT supporters also often say that it is a new way for artists to sell their artwork and that it actually helps artists. And while many artists currently actually sell their artwork this way, from what I have seen, the amount of artists that actually hate NFTs with burning passion is overwhelming. To put it short, NFTs are usually liked by people who count on making some money and don't care about art more than money, and disliked by many artists. And that's nothing weird - there are multiple cases in which a digital artwork is simply stolen to be used as NFT without author's consent. There are also raised questions of influence that NFTs make on environment due to energy costs and high carbon footprint, but that's issue not reserved strictly to NFTs, it occurs for example also with cryptocurrencies. By the way - energy usage by cryptominers may make energy costs higher for general population (here's a paper about it), which may impact negatively poorer part of population.